Laura Hannon
Hands On Performance Launch
Now exclusively available at

Introducing HC1 the inclusive Hand Controls
On International Wheelchair Day last week we announced that HC1 hand controls are now available at Digital Motorsports.
Hands on Performance are technical partners of Digital Motorsports and we couldn't be happier to have their product in our store. They are blazing the trail for accessibility and inclusion in both in e-sports and Motorsport and we are so proud to support them every step of the way.
The HC1 is a sim racing hand control designed to make sim racing more accessible and inclusive for wheelchair users and drivers who cannot use a traditional pedal setup. The HC1 Hand Control features a modular patent pending design that will open new avenues for users to have fun and set their own goals in social gaming, E-sports competition and real world motorsports training.

Who are HOP?
They design, develop and engineer driving controls and input devices for wheelchair users and differently abled consumers in the digital gaming industry. Their innovative solutions are focused on consumers that are physically unable to use current standard technology offerings, offering accessibility and greater inclusivity.
A passion for motorsport and design led to the development of simulator products. There is a distinct lack of availability and accessibility to the simulator market for people with varying disabilities. The company spoke to numerous people in motorsport and simulator racing industries and formed a relationship with Ireland’s only wheelchair bound licenced rally driver Paddy Croke.

They began rapid prototyping and testing of a hand control solution. The product has benefited from numerous iterations as the testing and development offered user-led specific feedback from Paddy, which was then incorporated into the design to suit the needs of the user. This sharp learning curve and approach offered invaluable insight into the needs of potential customers and shaped their design approach, thinking around inclusivity and accessible solutions.