Asetek SimSports
We now offer free shipping on Asetek SimSports, Cube Controls & Simucube to North America, Europe, UK, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China Via Fedex!*
Asetek are the new kids on the block when it comes to sim racing hardware but they have taken the market by storm. Asetek are no strangers to the technology space however and since their formation in 2000, Asetek established their innovative position as the leading OEM developer and producer of the all-in-one liquid cooler for all major PC & Enthusiast gaming brands, going public in 2013.
In 2021 Asetek launched their Simsports division and have brought a new energy to the industry. Utilising their tech background, capabilities and in-depth real-world Motorsports knowledge (Asetek compete at the highest level in their own GT3 team) they have brought a suite of simulation products to market that rival the very best out there. This an exciting brand who have knocked it out of the park on their very first attempt! The future looks bright for Asetek Simsports!
*Min order value of €800